Thursday, January 2, 2025

 I'm not usually good at keep diaries/journals.

I do plan to use this blog for other things, but I figured that, because it's a new year, I'd at least make some kind of effort to journal in some way. Would it be better to keep a physical, private journal? Yeah, probably.

But I'm not going to spill my guts on this blog (or, at least, I don't plan to. Future Lily is a bit unpredictable). I'm also not going to do an entry every day. Or every week. Just whenever I feel like it (and remember to).

Anyway. I've decided I need better habits. So I'm going to the dollar store on Saturday to buy some poster boards. I'm planning on putting a chore chart on one and a the others are for healthy eating and hygiene reminders. It's a bit patronizing, even though I'm doing this to myself, but if I'm not going to do these habits on my own, this is the way to get me to do it. As someone with autism and mental illness (didn't I just say I wasn't going to spill my guts?), these things can be hard for me. If I have a reminder right in front of me, I tend to do the tasks I need to do (i.e. putting my medication box where I can see it and setting an alarm so I won't forget to take them).

I also need to do some inventory. I have plenty of stuff I don't need anymore. I am someone who doesn't have a hard time getting rid of things...until they're gone and I wish I still had them. But I'm trying not to be like that. I don't want to be materialistic. Several things from my past have given me very light hoarding tendencies (I say "very light" because I do not want to downplay hoarding, as it is a real problem that many people sadly have to deal with.)

At the end of the day, they are just things. But with the insane prices of the second hand market, being able to repurchase things isn't always doable. It's a want versus need thing. And I don't need half the crap I own.

In more happy news, I have been consistently taking my medication every day for the last two weeks! Plus, the new year has me in better spirits. I don't care if it's psychosomatic. The "ber" months (I saw someone use this term recently and I love it) used to be my favorite as a kid, but now they seem to leave me depressed. I don't think I have Seasonal Affective Disorder, though (side note: I love how the acronym for that disorder is SAD).

I'm going to try my best this year. I have been recovering from mental illness and trauma since 2021 and I am determined to get my life back on track.

"Lily's Revenge Part II: Now It's Personal."

I will write as much as I can in these posts. They'll probably mostly be thoughts, as my life isn't that interesting. I'm not self deprecating, I'm just an ordinary person who does ordinary things. And that's okay! But it doesn't make for interesting posts (haha).

Anyway, that's all for now.


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 I'm not usually good at keep diaries/journals. I do plan to use this blog for other things, but I figured that, because it's a new ...